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SLMA & SLMAC support COVID-19 affected families

The Sri Lanka Muslim Association California joined hands with the SLMA to sponsor the distribution of dry ration relief packs to people who are undergoing hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Sri Lanka. This included families directly affected, those who lost their jobs and main source of income, as well as daily wage earners. SLMA reached out to deserving families through the executive committee members and through other Malay organizations.

The initiative was spearheaded by the Social Services Branch of SLMA in a very organized and efficient manner, receiving cash donations of USD 2500 each which was received in September and October, 2021 towards this project. In the first phase, rolled out in September 100 boxes of dry rations were distributed while in the second phase 150 boxes were distributed. Each pack of essential dry rations was worth LKR 5000.  These packages were distributed among the poorest of the poor in the Slave Island area in Colombo and the greater Colombo area.  Due to the lockdown and the challenges in transportation, the SLMA ensured that the packages were delivered to people’s homes. 

The third phase was the distribution of a consignment of 127 boxes of essential food stuff donated by the California Muslim community and packed and shipped from California. The boxes consisted of essential dry rations, canned food items and miscellaneous items to the value of approximately LKR 10,000 per box.  The boxes were shipped through Trico Maritime International Shipping owned by Sdr. Rohan Sourjah (President, SLMAC) at no charge.  Sdr. Rohan flew down to Sri Lanka and was in the country at the time of clearance and handing over of the relief packages to the recipients at the ‘Padang’ and at other distribution centers. A total of 127 boxes were distributed at the ‘Padang’ pavilion on 23 December 2021.  In addition to those distributed jointly by SLMA and SLMAC, over 75 boxes were delivered to the Colombo District Masjid Federation (CDMF) to be distributed among their mahallas.

President of the Sri Lanka Muslim Association California (SLMAC) Sdr. Rohan Sourjah at the distribution of dry ration packs to COVID-19 affected families in Sri Lanka

“I was amazed at the response received from the California Muslim community when the SLMAC came up with the idea of helping the COVID19 pandemic stricken people back in our homeland Sri Lanka,” said Sdr. Rohan Sourjah.  “The request for donations in kind and cash began to flow in immediately after the announcement.  SLMAC is thankful to the Islamic Center of Southwest, California for their generosity, support and for offering the premises for collection of goods and packaging efforts.  Our efforts showed results when we saw the smiles on the faces of the poor recipients and when they asked Dua for the generous donors. All it took was to initiate and send the word out to the community and the Sri Lankan Muslims took the lead followed by brothers and sisters from Indian, Pakistan and several other countries.  People from different ethnic groups showed up, donated and volunteered to do the packaging,” said the President of SLMAC.

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