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Founding of SLMA

A snapshot of the formation of the SLMA

“It is, however, not at all desired that the present generation of Malays should merely trade on the past glories of their fore-fathers, but it certainly is very desirable that they should shake off their present lethargy and emulate the other progressive communities around them and strive to be a credit to their distinguished ancestors.”

-CMCC Jubilee Book, 1924

It was on Sunday, 22nd January 1922 that a mass meeting of Ceylon Malays from the 15,000 population of Malays was held at the Wekanda School Hall, Slave Island for the purpose of forming an All Ceylon Malay Association (a non-political organization). 

Dr. T.B.Jayah was elected Chairman pro tem.

The meeting was called for the express purpose of fostering the cultural and religious principles of the community. In matters of politics they sought to rise above communal, racial and religious considerations.  It was the fervent hope of the promoters to deal with questions that vitally affected the social, educational and moral welfare of the Malays of Ceylon. They sought to ensure that every Malay received the opportunity to which he was entitled to and given facilities for studies and improvement. It was deplorable that the Malays had little knowledge of the great past of their race, culture and heritage.

At the meeting it was resolved that the All Ceylon Malay Association be formed with the members of the Colombo Malay Cricket Club, the Muslim Progressive Union and  other Malays who were present at the inaugural meeting as the founder members.

 The aims and objects of the Association were:-

  • Fostering of a spirit of unity among the members and the wide spread dissemination of such progressives ideas as are consistent with the teachings of Islam.
  • Achievement of national ideals.
  • Promotion of social and intellectual welfare of the community.


His Highness Sultan of Johore was elected the Patron. Sdr M.K.Saldin the incumbent President of the Colombo Malay Cricket Club was elected as the Founder President of the All Ceylon Malay Association.

The first Annual General Meeting was held on 28th January, 1923 under canvas in Rifle Green, Parsons Road (now Sir Chittampalam .A. Gardiner Mawatha) Slave Island at which the President Sdr M.K. Saldin presided.

The Association formed the following Departments to be responsible for their activities:

  • The Athletic Department comprising the Colombo Malay Cricket Club, which was in existence for 50 years, was amalgamated with the Association. Its activities were Cricket, Football and Hockey.
  • The Literary Department comprising the Muslim Progressive Union. 
  • The Social Service Department 
  • The Religious Department

The number of members on roll was 302.

The All Ceylon Malay Association continued to be the key Malay association in Ceylon and worked towards achieving its objectives. Considering the close relationship between the Colombo Malay Cricket Club and the All Ceylon Malay Association, the ACMA always operated from the premises of the CMCC.

Furthermore to strengthen the bond between the CMCC and ACMA, the members of the CMCC resolved that President of the ACMA would be ipso facto President of the CMCC and the Treasurer of the ACMA would be ipso facto Treasure of the CMCC. Additionally the members of CMCC would be ipso factor Members of the ACMA.

In the subsequent years with the activities of the CMCC and ACMA growing, the sports activities were left to the CMCC and ACMA concentrated on the core activities directly related to social welfare, cultural heritage and the progression of the Malay community. The Departments that were formed to be responsible for the activities of the Association were re-constituted into Committees which were named as;

  • Social Services Committee
  • Literary Committee
  • Religious Affairs Committee


Under the provisions of the constitution of Ceylon for nomination of Members of Parliament from the minority communities, two ACMA Past Presidents were nominated Members of Parliament.

In 1953 the SLMA Rupee Fund, an offspring of the SLMA Social Service Committee was formed. The idea of establishing this fund was mooted by the then Chairmen of the Social Services Committee by collecting a Rupee from each member. This blossomed into an institution on its own, having being accepted as a Government Approved Charity offering scholarships to the needy, operating a pre-school, providing vocational training and implementing various other projects for the underprivileged.

In 1972 with Sri Lanka becoming a Republic, the ACMA changed its name to the Sri Lanka Malay Association.

In 1982 the Women’s Affairs Committee was formed, to encourage the female members to play a greater role in the activities of the Association.

In 1987 the Research & Documentation Committee was formed to carry out research on the history of the Malays and maintain records and archives of the activities of the SLMA, CMCC and the Malay community.

The five committees namely Social Services, Literary & Cultural, Religious Affairs, Women’s Affairs, and Research, Documentation Studies and Communication Committees form the central pillars of the SLMA. These committees drive the activities of the SLMA to make it a vibrant association serving the Malay community and the country at large. As soon as the new office bearers are elected, SLMA organizes annual planning meetings, where the Chairpersons of the committees present their activities for the year and thereafter make out the calendar of events for the year.

Some of the key activities that the SLMA carried out were the Annual Recital of Rasool Mowlood where the whole of Slave Island were hosted to a grand lunch after the recital, the circumcision of poor Muslim boys, Cultural Shows depicting Malay dances, songs and Angklung orchestra, Malay food and cookery demonstrations, fashion shows promoting the Malay attire, propagating the use of the Malay language by conducting classes and several social service projects.

On the 22nd of January every year the SLMA commemorates the Founders Day where we remember the founding members of the association and recognize Past Presidents, members who have initiated meaningful new projects and activities, as well as members who have contributed towards the development, upliftment and progress of the SLMA.